Friday, September 7, 2012

Cookies for the Puppies.

I needed to make some cookies....

...that I wouldn't eat.

As an emotional (and unemotional) eater, that is actually a big feat. This journey in learning to bake has been wonderful but in order to maintain some control over the consumption of said blogging topics, the result has been a freezer full of sweet treats.

So I made some cookies only a dog could love. And turns out they did.

Posting has been a bit lighter around here as I have been pursuing some other ventures - both in the blogging world and outside of it. 

It's funny.

I'm down a deliberate path of creativity and artistic exploration and after only a few months, I find myself back in the world of margins and marketing. (spreadsheets included)

It's even more funny. I couldn't love it more.

I am by no means abandoning this creative outlet (imaginary sigh of relief from my 3 loyal readers), but an opportunity arose to invest in a super smart, super capable, super soon-to-be-the-most-sought-after-skin-therapist-in-the-pacific-north-west, and I could not pass it up.  And it pretty much breaks every rule of advice I used to dish out as a paid "expert" in small business.


Rules like... don't mix business and family. And make sure you know the industry, the market. Do your research. Write a business plan. Don't rush into everything.

Broke it. Broke it. Broke it. Broke it. And breaking it.

But now I also get why entrepreneurs never listened to me.  When its right, its right. You just know. And all the spreadsheets in the world won't convince you otherwise (although my Excel brain still tells me, they SHOULD)

But I am excited about this venture and even just being a small part of it.

So I wanted to do something nice for my new business partner and four legged niece and nephew. I baked them some cookies only they would appreciate. 

They actually start out sounding pretty good...flour, oats, honey, peanut butter...but they take a bit of turn when you add the chicken broth and olive oil.

I have learned that much like the world of convenience food for kids, there is a lot of unnecessary additives in convenient food for pups.  It was nice to make something so simple that tasted so good.

At least I thought it would taste good.  The real test was still to come. 

But after a quick sniff...

...we passed the taste test.

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup white flour
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 honey
1 cup chicken broth
1 T olive oil
1 cup all natural peanut butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1.  In a medium size bowl, combine the first three dry ingredients.
2.  In another small bowl, whisk together the remaining four wet ingredients.
3.  Add the wet into the dry and mix with a wooden spoon until a soft dough forms. (you made need a little more flour if the dough is too sticky)
4.  Roll the dough out on a floured surface and cut out whatever shapes you like. (I did small little moons, clovers and hearts)
5. Place the cookies on a parchment covered cookie sheet and bake 12 minutes.

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